Certification for the BRICS countries
BRICS (English BRICS) is a group of five countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa. Our company, having an extensive network of agents and representatives, can provide assistance in the certification, standardization of your products and obtaining any certificates, licenses and other permits that confirm the quality of the products produced, in all BRICS countries
Brazil is one of the key countries in the developing world. In terms of GDP, it ranks first in Latin America, and in terms of industrial production is among the ten largest countries in the world.
Certification of products
In Brazil, there is a rule that all importers must be registered with the Secretariat of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, as well as entered into a single electronic system of foreign trade.
Registration takes place on-line only in Portuguese. And in general, all business correspondence is conducted exclusively in Portuguese.
For import it is necessary to obtain an import license or, in a relevant federal agency, federal agencies have the right to issue a license for imports to certain groups of goods). The license is valid for 60 days from the date of shipment of the goods or from the date of issue, which is often not enough to complete the transaction and then the license will have to be re-received. All imported goods must be accompanied by two copies of the invoice and the bill of lading. In case of failure to comply with the above requirements, a fine of up to 100% of the import duties may be imposed.
The economy of Russia is the sixth largest country in terms of GDP. GDP for PPP in Russia for 2017 amounted to 4008 billion dollars. Russia’s GDP for 2017 amounted to 1527 billion dollars – in this indicator, Russia occupies the 11th place in the world. According to a survey conducted in 2003 by the consulting company A.T. Kearney, Russia entered the top ten most attractive countries for corporate investors.
Certification of products in Russia is carried out for compliance with established quality standards, and the final documents are: a certificate of compliance, a declaration of compliance, a certificate of state registration and a fire certificate. Determine which of the documents must be obtained from the nomenclature of goods subject to mandatory confirmation of compliance in the Russian Federation.
Certification of products in Russia is necessary not only for implementation, but also for the purposes of customs clearance. If the product is subject to certification, declaration or state registration, it is necessary to obtain the relevant document, which is passed to the customs authorities.
Certification of products is a guarantee of its quality, protects the buyer from an unscrupulous manufacturer. Confirmation that the product is safe for the environment and our lives is the certification of product quality.

Certification of goods for India
Despite the fact that 17.2% of the world population (1254.02 million people) already live in India, it continues to grow very rapidly.
According to the consensus forecast, in the next decade, India will become the most populous country in the world. When integrating into the world economy, such countries accelerate growth by borrowing technology from its more developed representatives.
In the process of certification of foreign manufacturers, authorized bodies may grant licenses for the trade of any product with the relevant Indian standard and requirements for its characteristics. These requirements are based on a system through which the manufacturer is given permission to use the sign of compliance with Indian standards.
Food certification services are provided at the first stage of the supply chain, in order to obtain the highest quality products at an affordable price by the end user.
None of the experienced and successful entrepreneurs will not want to overpay the employee or the whole certification department: pay salaries, pay sick-lists, equip the workplace.
Documents confirming the quality will be issued by the authorized bodies of India in a period of 2 to 3 months, after carrying out all the necessary tests.
By providing us with work to support the certification and standardization of our products for export to India – you can significantly reduce current expenses and not be distracted from managing your production as quickly as possible, avoiding the arrest of your goods at customs and other negative consequences.
Documentation in China
Due to the current economic situation, China has become an attractive market for any company, especially for food producers. To protect the domestic market, the PRC government pays much attention to measures not tariff regulation for import-export operations. Virtually the entire range of goods falls under certain interim measures. For all imported imported goods, the certificates must be issued in advance on a par with the registration of the trademark / trademark, calculation of the cost at the input, adaptation of the product to the national market, organization of trading platforms and conducting marketing research.
To confirm the safety and compliance with the requirements of China’s legislation, all products are investigated in full. The work of certification centers is clearly regulated by law. The list of documents and the number of samples in each specific case are precisely defined.
Certification Procedure in China
Since the late 1970s, China has reoriented from a closed, centrally planned system to a more market-oriented economy, which is one of the largest in the world – in 2010, China became the world’s largest exporter. Reforms began with collectivized agriculture and expanded through gradual price liberalization, financial decentralization, increased autonomy for state enterprises, the creation of a diverse banking system, the development of stock markets, the rapid growth of the private sector and increased openness to foreign trade and investment.
At import the issued documents are handed over together with the set of shipping documents to the customs office. All documents issued for import are recognized as sufficient in domestic trade transactions in China. This applies to both wholesale work with networks, and retail, and Internet sales. Large Chinese distributors, chain stores and Internet sites put the condition for the sale of goods to provide permissive documents in public access in the cards of the goods. The cost of documents is not low, before the start of registration you need a clear understanding: what positions are planned to be promoted in the Chinese market.
Determine what documents will be required for import, only an expert who knows Chinese legislation in the field of foreign economic activity can.
Terms of obtaining certificates in China
Standard terms of carrying out of examinations in the state accredited laboratories of the People’s Republic of China from 1 to 4 months from the moment of submission of a full package of documents and samples at the request of the laboratory.
Timelines for Chinese certificates
Standard tests are issued for a period of 1-2 years, certificates and import licenses are valid for 3-4 years, significantly help to avoid problems during the conclusion of transactions.
South Africa
On the development of the economy of South Africa holds a leading position among all countries in Africa. It accounts for about 28% of GDP, 40% of industrial and 30% of agricultural products throughout the continent. The economy of South Africa is in a state of stable growth and occupies the 17th place in the world in terms of GDP. Such success is due to the availability of the richest resource base, a wide range of extracted land resources, an extensive advanced technological base and a market of rather cheap qualified and unskilled labor. Also, the engine of the economic growth of the country is a sound economic policy, which, together with structural reforms, helped the country to accelerate economic growth with a slowdown in inflation, strengthening of the state financial system and growth of foreign economic influence.
Import of Products
Certification of products imported to the South African region is mandatory, as one of the official forms of evidence of useful properties of products.
The procedure for certification of products includes the formulation of such documents that confirm the quality of products and allow its import into the country.
These are the most common types of permits. Some positions are additionally required to issue a certificate of state registration, licenses or permits for use.
Certification of the product’s quality is carried out for compliance with the requirements of the approved technical regulations.
According to the established rules, certification in South Africa is carried out in several steps, the first of which is the submission of an application and a package of documents to an accredited center or other authorized body. Then, laboratory tests of samples are carried out, the results of which determine the possibility of issuing the necessary documents.